Stock#: 713923
Serial: TLLF50007
Cell: 315-335-8445
Cell: 315-335-8445
Used, AVAILABLE Immediately, On Yard, For Sale, 448 HOURS, DRIVE: MFD, Call to check for availability
- Stock #: 713923
- Status: On Yard
- Class: Used
- Make: Case IH
- Model: 110C FARMALL,Diesel,MFD
- Year: 2020
- Serial#: TLLF50007
- Est Hours: 448
- Compact Tractor: No
- Front End Loader: Yes
10HP - 90 PTO HP (110 Engine HP) ; NAFTA - ; POWER S -POWER SHUT ; CAB - Cab ; 334183 - Deluxe Cab w/HiVis
Panel ; 332850 - Delux Fabric Seat w/Air Susp ; 759176 -
Hand Brake ; 759059 - 40KPH - REAL ALL TYR ; 330276 -
12x12 Power Shuttle ; 332035 - Mech 3 Pt Hitch Ground
Control ; 390831 - Hitch w/Mech Top Link Draft Co ;
Mid-Mount + Joystick +3FCTN + Div+TR ; 743594 -
540/1000 RPM PTO ; 744581 - 4WD+EH Engage+Limited Slip+HD ; 8239404 -
14.9R24 R1W ; 333411 - Heavy Duty Rear Axle ; 8365404 -
18.4R34 R1W ; 743599 - Rear Fenders (30-34) ; 390860 -
Less Front Fenders ; 336740 - HD Non Self Leveling Ldr
+SSQA ; Bucket ; 391192 - 120
AMP_Alternator ; 390215 - Less Front Carrier and Weights
; 334992 - STD+30Ah+HORN+ACS ; 330470 - 4 x 110 lb Rear
Wheel Weights
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2020 Case IH Tractor 110C FARMALL
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